Sunday 12 August 2018

My step by blogger

Hello readers! Apparently this will be the last publication. I can say that using blog in English class was quite interesting, although sometimes I found it hard to concentrate. Reinforcing English written in this way was very entertaining. I was able to write about my tastes and read those of my classmates.
I think my writing skills developed a bit more, since my way of learning is writing, this helps me remember everything. That's why, although I use a translator to look up words and some phrases I did not know, now I can remember them and that makes me very happy xd.

In the future I would like to include more videos related to the blog that I am writing, maybe also lyrics, dialogues of scenes from movies that we are passionate about, because they also help written English and of course oral.
It would have been entertaining to write about a story, invented by us. Sometimes we express a lot when writing but not from us, but something fictitious. Maybe that would have helped us to get to know each other better, and of course, learn English.
I say goodbye to this little blog that will be eternal, maybe in a couple of years I'll read it and laugh at what I wrote haha. As it happens to me with a blog that I did in my childhood and I still keep it 😁. See you soon.

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