Friday 3 August 2018

The most enjoyable subject...

The area of ​​studies of my career that I like the most is the chemistry laboratories.

In the classes we make different experiences to check and observe phenomena, we use laboratory instruments and different chemical solutions.

I like this subject because it is very interactive, it makes us a real approach to what chemistry is. At the same time it facilitates the theoretical branches since it is easier to imagine the events if we later see them in the laboratory.

The classes are a mixture of theory and practice, since being in the laboratory is very entertaining but you must have knowledge and follow the indications of each experience to the letter.

The laboratory is very interesting, since we can physically observe what we have learned theoretically in other branches. Applying all knowledge according to the objective of each experience.

Generally we work as a couple, which teaches us the advantages of working as a team. There is also a group of assistants, who are students like us but in later grades, their job is to help us when we have doubts and to correct ourselves if we are doing something wrong.


  1. the chemistry labs are very entertaining, but at the same time stressful!

  2. I also like the chemistry lab, I learn a lot

  3. you have to be focused 100% in the lab
