Friday 20 April 2018

When I was a sweet girl I wanted...

Hi readers, 

Today is the turn to write about my aspirations...
When I was a sweet girl ☺ I dreamed to be independent, to live alone in my own house and  have too much dogs xD. But talking about jobs, I did not have any in my mind :/. When I was 14, I saw as an opportunity to study a career in high school, and i decided to becoming accountant. I finished this career in high school and I continued it in the university.  
A little bit late I discovered it didn't like me xD. And here I am, studying again a new career.

When I was applying to university, another options was obstetrics, but I thought it well and I omitted it. Since I knew pharmaceutical chemist in my old job who told me about the career, and i liked me.

My experience in the university now has been good. This career is so difficult but exciting, totally different that i had studied before.

When i get finished this career, I want to job in a pharmacy near my house or far from the madness of Santiago.


  1. it's good that you have experience in another career

  2. It's good to know that you finally found what you really like! just follow your dreams!
