Sunday 12 August 2018

My step by blogger

Hello readers! Apparently this will be the last publication. I can say that using blog in English class was quite interesting, although sometimes I found it hard to concentrate. Reinforcing English written in this way was very entertaining. I was able to write about my tastes and read those of my classmates.
I think my writing skills developed a bit more, since my way of learning is writing, this helps me remember everything. That's why, although I use a translator to look up words and some phrases I did not know, now I can remember them and that makes me very happy xd.

In the future I would like to include more videos related to the blog that I am writing, maybe also lyrics, dialogues of scenes from movies that we are passionate about, because they also help written English and of course oral.
It would have been entertaining to write about a story, invented by us. Sometimes we express a lot when writing but not from us, but something fictitious. Maybe that would have helped us to get to know each other better, and of course, learn English.
I say goodbye to this little blog that will be eternal, maybe in a couple of years I'll read it and laugh at what I wrote haha. As it happens to me with a blog that I did in my childhood and I still keep it 😁. See you soon.

Friday 10 August 2018

The eyes, incredibles and beautiful

Although the eyes are small in comparison to most of the organs of the body, for me they are incredible, their structure is complicated and they are beautiful! The view helps us, more than any other sense, to maneuver around the world that surrounds us.

In a single glance, which lasts a fraction of a second, the eyes collaborate with the brain to indicate the size, shape, color and texture of an object. They play one of the most important roles in my opinion: The eyes work together to perceive depth, which allows us to calculate the distance and size of objects to help us move around them. They also collaborate with the brain, muscles and nerves to create complicated images and visual messages.

And the eyes are constantly adapting to a changing environment; for example, they are adapted so that we can move easily in rooms that are almost dark or under the bright sunlight.The eyes are strategically located in our head, very close to the brain, as they work together. Only part of the eye is visible on a person's face. The whole eye, the eyeball, is approximately the size and shape of a ping-pong ball.

The eyes are also protected by tears, which lubricate and cleanse dirt that pass through the barrier of the eyelashes and eyelids.
According to research, the eyes of men outnumber those of women. Each eye has a sphere shape of 2.5 cm in diameter, the eyes of man being half a millimeter larger than those of a woman.

Some of the most frequent eye problems are the so-called refractive errors:

The astigmatism. In astigmatism, there is a problem in the curvature of the cornea. This causes part of the image to be blurred.

👀 Myopia. Myopia occurs when the eye focuses the image of an object in front of the retina, rather than directly on it. In most cases, people do not see well from afar but can see with clarity up close

👀Hyperopia Hyperopia occurs when the image that arrives is not focused on the retina, but behind it. This makes it difficult to see nearby objects clearly, while distant objects look good

👀 B
lindness. It is about the loss of vision. Blindness can be temporary or permanent

👀Cataracts an opacity of the lens of the eye that prevents the images from being seen clearly or makes them not be seen at all

👀Color blindness is due to problems in the pigmentation of the retinal cones. Most people with color blindness confuse some colors, usually red and green.

👀 Dacryostenosis. is an obstruction of the lacrimal drainage system that occurs in the lower eyelid.

👀Glaucoma is a disorder that causes increased intraocular tension, with the potential to injure the optic nerve.

👀Conjunctivitis is a common contagious infection that causes inflammation (redness, pain and swelling) of the conjunctiva.

👀retinoblastoma. It is a cancerous tumor in the eye that usually appears in the first 5 years of life

👀strabismus. A condition where the eyes look misaligned

Proper eye care includes regular check-ups. Some of the signs that you may have vision problems include crossing or presenting differences in the orientation of both eyes, rubbing your eyes constantly, tearing, eye redness and having difficulty following an object with your eyes. Older children may squint, sit too close to the television or have trouble seeing the blackboard.

Friday 3 August 2018

The most enjoyable subject...

The area of ​​studies of my career that I like the most is the chemistry laboratories.

In the classes we make different experiences to check and observe phenomena, we use laboratory instruments and different chemical solutions.

I like this subject because it is very interactive, it makes us a real approach to what chemistry is. At the same time it facilitates the theoretical branches since it is easier to imagine the events if we later see them in the laboratory.

The classes are a mixture of theory and practice, since being in the laboratory is very entertaining but you must have knowledge and follow the indications of each experience to the letter.

The laboratory is very interesting, since we can physically observe what we have learned theoretically in other branches. Applying all knowledge according to the objective of each experience.

Generally we work as a couple, which teaches us the advantages of working as a team. There is also a group of assistants, who are students like us but in later grades, their job is to help us when we have doubts and to correct ourselves if we are doing something wrong.

Galileo Galilei

The person that I admire in the field of science is Galileo Galilei.

This man of science, of Italian origin, was the forerunner of astronomy, was an active part of the scientific revolution of the Renaissance, raised the first law of movement, work in perfecting a tool as essential as the telescope, greatly helped to that Copernicus Heliocentric theory is consolidated and also, faced his scientific theories to the old and irrational dogmas of the Catholic Church.

Resultado de imagen para galileo telescopio

Galileo gave scientific use to a new object that a Dutchman had created, the telescope, perfecting it until it became a real telescope.

I like the work of Galileo because he made with his telescope the first observations of the Moon, interpreting what he saw as proof of the existence in our satellite of mountains and craters that demonstrated his community of nature with the Earth. In addition to observing other planets and their moons. Also because he was accused by the Inquisition because of his theories and discoveries, accusing him of being a heretic. At the trial he was forbidden to continue investigating and publishing about Copernian theories, since they went against the holy scriptures.
After he made a publication, he was called to Rome again, where this time he was found guilty, forcing him to pronounce on his knees the adjuration of his doctrine and sentenced to life imprisonment.

Sunday 22 July 2018

The music in my life

Music is totally relevant in my day to day, I can not work if I'm not listening to music. I listen my favorite music on my way to the university, at home while doing the duties, studying and even resting. Its accompanies and encourages me in moments where I'm lonely. I prefer to listening some music instead watch television.

I most like rock music, in all its variants. Bands such as Deep purple, 70'S years AC/DC, to the actual ones such as System of a down, Muse, so on.

the instruments i most like are the electric guitar, the drums and the sounds of a synth. unfortunately, i don't know how to play any of them.

The band i most like is Rammstein. I like it because the lyrics they write are very emotional, them also have very energetic songs and even others "danceable" ones. depending of my mood, i'm always find out a song of this group which comforts me.

In my childhoold, i often listened pop music, since it was the most played music on the radio and mostly due to i learned the lyrics by "inertia". Something like actually happens with "reggaeton" music, which doesn't likes me too, but is imposible don´t know some of this lyrics LOL.

In my personal opinion, i don't like musicals, but i do have in my memory some movies where the background score and soundtrack given a lot of emotions, such as Requiem for a dream, Sleepy hollow, the notebook, don Juan de Marco, etc.

Friday 20 July 2018

🔥 Goddes of Fire 🔥

This pic was taken by an author unknown to me, i saw it a few years ago browsing the internet and i really do not remember where i kept it from :(

A wooden log fire has been photographed here. If you look closely at the movement of the fire you can see a female silhouette with a pensive attitude ... or defeated.

Maybe at first glance you think it's an edition in Photoshop or something like that, believe me that when i saw it I also hesitated a second. But at the time I researched and it is a legitimate photo taken at the precise moment.

I love this photo, I feel it keeps so much feelings and energy.

With the advances of technology, we could believe that achieving a photo like that would be very easy, but the reality is different. I have tried to take many pictures of the fire with a camera that launches a burst of photos. Achieving beautiful results, but none like this one.


Friday 11 May 2018

Reading Dreams... ★

My favourite books are Outlander saga, written by Diana Gabaldon.

It tells the history of a nurse from the first world war who travels to old Scotland through some ancient stones, after seeing a ritual dance secretly that the druids (magical priestessest) perfomed a full moon day in Craihg Na Dun and touch one of the stones out of curiosity.

Claire, the protagonist, who at first was very scared and just wanted to return to her time with her partner, ends up getting married and falling in love with a young Scotman.

What makes them attractive to me is that it mixes fantasy, magic, world history and love 💕.

I discovered this book last year. I advance in reading when I have time, since it is quite extensive, there are 8 volumes and I go in the fourth.

I recommend it to those who like love stories with a lot of passion, old architecture, nature and action. Unfortunately the book can't be purchase legally, but online it can be found in PDF easily. Also on Netflix you can find books 1 y 2 with their corresponding seasons, but there is no way to read and imagine 😍.

Friday 27 April 2018

Technology in my life...

My favourite piece of technology is the camera.
The first time I took a picture I was around 10 years old. Santa Claus gave me a camera at Christmas.

The use that I give is recreational, is a hobbie.

Every day I take many photographs. After I choose the best ones, i print them.

I take pictures of the sky, the moon and beautiful landscapes. Also i treasure memories of parties and events in my family and friends.

I like the camera because it's a nice way to keep memories and remember them later, even years later and laugh at the funny pictures.

The life without the cameras would be very boring, we would not know of our ancestors and our family of the future could not see how we live now. In addition every day the planet is destroyed and beautiful landscapes cease to exist 😔. The photos are a worthy witness to the passage of time.

This is a picture I took in Neltume, south of Chile. A Pudu in it's natural hábitat that I observed by luck and chance while going through that a beautiful place.

Friday 20 April 2018

When I was a sweet girl I wanted...

Hi readers, 

Today is the turn to write about my aspirations...
When I was a sweet girl ☺ I dreamed to be independent, to live alone in my own house and  have too much dogs xD. But talking about jobs, I did not have any in my mind :/. When I was 14, I saw as an opportunity to study a career in high school, and i decided to becoming accountant. I finished this career in high school and I continued it in the university.  
A little bit late I discovered it didn't like me xD. And here I am, studying again a new career.

When I was applying to university, another options was obstetrics, but I thought it well and I omitted it. Since I knew pharmaceutical chemist in my old job who told me about the career, and i liked me.

My experience in the university now has been good. This career is so difficult but exciting, totally different that i had studied before.

When i get finished this career, I want to job in a pharmacy near my house or far from the madness of Santiago.

Friday 13 April 2018

Something about me ❤

Hi, my name is Gisselle Aguirre, and today i'll talk a little about me.
I was born in November 28 years ago in a small a quiet town in the south of Santiago, called Peñaflor. I love this place, it's full of nature and protected wildlife. I like to observe and listen the birds in my garden, that relaxes me. I have two favorites, a woodpecker; every morning in spring hit the trunk's tree. And hummingbird, who goes down to drink in my flowers.

I am the oldest of three brothers. I have a son named Gaspar, he is three years old, he is a lovely little boy who follows all my crazy things. I study pharmacy in University's Chile, this is my second year.

In the night, when i haven´t study, i enjoy walker in roller skates. 
On weekends i go for a motorcycle ride to the beach with my friends.